New Record

Outlook 12/02: U.S. stock futures were pointing to a balanced open on the first trading day of December, historically the best month of the year. Consumer spending is basking in the limelight with Thanksgiving weekend shopping estimated near $30B.

/ESZ19 Value: YVAH 3149 YPOC 3148 YVAL 3143 GAP 3143.75

/ES Plan: Last session market closed balanced but overnight looks more balanced, still moving within Friday's value, so today's options:

A) If market remains below LIS YVAH 3149 with bearish internals, sell towards ONL-HVE 3143.50 and HVE 3133.

A) If market moves above YVAH 3149 with bullish internals, buy towards HVE 3155 ONH-ATH 3158 and PBT 3162.

Tips: Watching at the bigger picture, overnight highs leave a poor high without a decent excess on it. Market needs an excess high to call an end. Remember that new highs printed during ETH sessions should be revisited at NYSE regular trading hours (RTH).

Today's Economic Calendar

09:45 PMI Manufacturing Index
10:00 ISM Manufacturing Index
10:00 Construction Spending

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