Value Transition

Outlook 06/02: U.S. stock futures were higher in early trading on Tuesday, erasing an earlier loss following President Trump's promise to deploy the military if states and cities fail to quell the violence swelling across the nation. The main focus once again appears on the longer-term prospects of the easing of lockdowns across the world, though if the violence on U.S. streets continues for much longer. Investors continued to focus on the progress of economic reopenings, bidding up shares of airlines, retailers and cruise line operators. However, many on Wall Street grew worried that rising risks of the racial strife and U.S.-China tensions could reverse the market’s massive comeback.

/ESM20 Value: YVAH 3059 YPOC 3054 YVAL 3039 GAP 3053.75

/ES Plan: Yesterday market closed bullish, and overnight continues on that way, moving above Yesterday's value, so these are the initial balance options for today's opening:

A) If market remains above LIS HVE 3062 with bullish internals, buy towards ONH 3075.50 HVE 3091 and PBT 3100.

B) If market moves below LIS HVE 3062 with bearish internals, sell towards GAP 3053.75 ONL 3035 and HVE 3025.

Note: Market shows a 'Value Transition' and that means a change on value perception. We've to watch closely if new auction range 3062-3158 is acceptable or rejected.

Market Movers

8:55 Redbook Chain Store Sales

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