Trading Process

Trade pure price action using the Auction Market Theory. Try to identify opportunities using the Auction Process. Try to use non-parameter based indicators (Volume Profile and Market Internals). Remember, the best indicator that anyone can have is "screen time". Watching every day, how the market reacts, breathe, and moves. Most people don't have discipline to sit there and just watch the action. Be humble, unbiased, unemotional, and stay focused during your 'screen time'.

Auction Process, using Volume Profile, VWAP and Order Flow:

1 Watch yesterday/overnight auction and most likely Opening Type.

2 Define the bull/bear line or Line in the Sand (LIS) (Trading Plan).

3 Define magnet targets that could be attractors: GAPs-PBTs-VAR. 

4 Wait for NYSE opening and let price plus VOLUME show bias.

5 Follow VWAP slope (rising-falling) to confirm potential TREND

6 Follow ADSPD internal slope (rising-falling) trend correlation.

7 Define the volume PROFILE, if 'b' 'p'  imbalance or 'D' balance.

8 Don't take trades without a clear magnet target destination.

9 Lean on VAH-VAL on 'D', or VWAP-POC-HVE on 'p/b' shapes.

10 Use DOM+TAPE reading or Tickstrike to refine entries.

11 Exits at key magnet targets or end of TIME sequence.

      3 charts (5yr-15m-3m) 3 setups (D-b-p) 3 targets (GAP-PBT-VAR) 

Consider an additional variable of the trading puzzle, 'TIME' (Timing). Usually, every half hour the big money starts a new sequence. Take advantage of that impulse. Most profitable half hour sequences are: First Reversal (10AM), IB Close (10:30) and the Last Half Hour (3:30PM). Avoid low volume sequences. Use 30m sequences to start a position and despite of any shake in the middle, try to hold it until half hour ends. 

These are parameters for a 'normal' day, if the usual signals are ignored we will be facing a potential trending session.