Outlook 12/11: U.S. stock index futures are bullish on a fresh dose of optimism over the U.S.-China trade dispute. Most Fed watchers are still expecting a December rate hike, but the fact that there is doubt, due to recent market moves and a weaker November employment report, appears to be lifting sentiment.
/ESZ18 Value: YVAH 2645 YPOC 2629 YVAL 2610 GAP 2643.25
/ES Plan: Yesterday market closed bullish and overnight continues on that way, moving above previous value, into 2652-2684 range, so we've these options:
A) If market remains above LVN 2673 with bullish internals, become a buyer towards ONH 2678 HVE 2684 LVN 2700 and HVE 2719.
B) If market starts to move below 2673 with bearish internals, be a seller towards HVE 2652 GAP 2643 ONL 2628 and HVE 2620.
Tips: Usually, after the 10am ET data, the first half of each hour offers pullbacks and the second half follows the current trend. Use this 'habit' of institutional traders to take the right wagon.
Today's Economic Calendar
1:00 PM Results of $38B, 3-Year Note Auction
Disclaimer: All information on this outlook is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice.
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